Best Practices for Carpet Maintenance

How Often to Vacuum Carpet

Most of us don’t vacuum every day but prefer to run the vacuum regularly to keep the home feeling fresh and clean. Although vacuum cleaners keep our carpets tidy, some people say that vacuum cleaners damage carpet fibers. This is because a rotating beater bar or brush pulls, stretches, and wears out carpet fibers. While this is true, dirt often has more of a wear-and-tear effect on carpet than most vacuum cleaners do.

How to Vacuum Properly

Overworking your carpet is possible. If your vacuum cleaner has multiple settings that let you customize surfaces, you shouldn’t be vacuuming your carpet on the bare floor setting. Instead, save it for the bare floors as the vacuum instructions indicate.

Additionally, you should check if your vacuum has height settings. This can affect how it cleans or wears on the carpet. If it is set too low, for example, you may damage the carpet or vacuum’s roller brush and drive belt. On the other hand, a vacuum set too high won’t pick up dirt as well. If you are not sure how high or low you are vacuuming, turn it on at the highest setting and then lower it until you can feel the vacuum tugging at the carpet.

When to Vacuum the Home

People tend to get nervous when they see carpet fluff in the dustbins of their vacuum cleaners. They tend to think that it signifies the vacuum is destroying their carpet fibers. Thankfully, that isn’t the case. Generally, carpets can stand to be vacuumed several times a week without sustaining damage. Leaving dirt in a carpet, however, actually breaks down underneath the carpet fibers and creates a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria.

Overall, carpets sustain much less damage from regular vacuuming than they do from dirt left in the carpet. This is important to note as frequent vacuuming remains one of the best ways to keep your home clean. For general carpet protection, run your vacuum over high-traffic areas of space. Dirt will attract dirt, and a vacuuming schedule is a key to reducing buildup.

Protecting Your Carpet

To protect your carpet, it is recommended to vacuum entrance areas and busy areas a minimum of twice a week, and the rest of the carpeting at least weekly. Oily soils build upon themselves, and ongoing vacuuming gets rid of soil collection.

If you’re concerned about your carpet getting ruined, consider purchasing a carpet protecting spray. This can be applied easily. Check if your carpet is under any warranty, as adding products on the carpet could void that warranty entirely.
